
This is a small selection of clients we’ve worked with in the past or are actively working with today. Due to the nature of our work – often with creative agencies, investors and founders, much of what we’ve created over decades is under NDAs.

Also our work isn’t simply “graphic design”. We have often worked with clients to consider the tactical, situational and strategic opportunities and work with them to design their brand over time. This can include coming up with the name of the business, domain names, core messaging, and so much more that shapes a brand and sets them up for success.

We often work in collaborations with internal and external creative teams.

Our partners and core team have worked with a large range of brands. From small side projects and startups to some of the largest in the world.

Our clients and branding projects include: Personal Brands, Authors, Experts, Coaches, Consultants, Banking, Professional Services, Film, TV, Photography, Food Brands, Drinks Brands, Health Brands, Fitness Brands, Spas, Luxury Travel, Entertainment, Education, Music, Philanthropy, Charity, Government and and more.

Author Marketing Group

Author Marketing Group |

We have worked with the founders of Author Marketing Group from the beginning and helping shame a new idea that is changing what’s possible for good authors.

Circular Earth

Circular Earth |

This is an incredible consulting group that is making ripples in the worlds of sustainable fashion, consulting and more.

Pause Stop Reset

Pause Stop Reset |

We have been instrumental in the development of this award winning Journal and Podcast, and movement.

Simon Hedley Strategic Alchemist

Simon Hedley |

We have been working with Simon to develop his primary brand Simon Hedley | Strategic Alchemist, and are involved helping him review and update his own projects, portfolio and supporting him with his client’s initiatives.

Chaos To Clarity Branding

Chaos To Clarity |

This is a great book and movement project. Created by Simon we’ve worked on the project from concept to prelaunch.

Learn more about our with the client project here

Chaos To Clarity

The Ecosystem Incubator

The Ecosystem Incubator |

We’ve worked with the team at The Ecosystem Incubator for over a year, helping them shape and design their brand, offerings and more. It’s been great to see how engaged their community is and people start to share this innovative approach to sustainable fashion.

The Foxy Box Club

The Foxy Box Club |

This was a fun client and project to work with developing a way to help people “Deliver A Difference. Giving a little kindness one box at a time”. We’re proud to be a partner with this project.

The High Res

The High Res |

We’ve worked with the team at The High Res to birth their new vision and brand for this group of incredible creative photographers, videographers and media producers.

British Author Awards

British Author Awards |

We’ve worked with the team at British Author Awards™ from the initial concept stage, to domain identification and now initial branding design and launch.

Santa Stories

Sanja Stories |

We’ve worked with the team at Sanja Stories™ from the initial concept stage, to domain identification and now initial branding design and launch. A great collaborative fashion venture.

Re Root Tex

Re Root Tex |

We’ve worked with the team at Re Root Tex™ from the initial concept stage, to domain identification and now initial branding design and launch. A great new venture.